Tokyo Love Soap is the soap that most beauty concerned human being will talk about. It is stated that it is the superb whitening soaps ever existed (okay I exaggerate that) but people who used it has been raving about it since it was first sold. You can google "tokyo love soap" and there are thousands of people talking about it. Need I say more? The downturn about this soap is that it is darn expensive. You can imagine dove soap but 5 times more expensive. Or 7 times. Or 8.
I am currently under my own investigation on fake tokyo love soaps because I found out that my current tokyo love soap (the original variant) is not effective, like AT ALL. The box and the product itself looks 100% similar and the shop I bought the soaps at is also recommended by public and reviewers. I bought other variants and I am still under investigation. I will update step by step and as for now, Happy Price Co. Ltd. (the manufacturer) even states that my soaps are fake. I am not trying to condemn anyone but I just want to state that there are fake tokyo love soaps. Be very careful when you purchase any. But any update I will inform later. I am not stating the exact conclusion yet. Till then.
I am currently under my own investigation on fake tokyo love soaps because I found out that my current tokyo love soap (the original variant) is not effective, like AT ALL. The box and the product itself looks 100% similar and the shop I bought the soaps at is also recommended by public and reviewers. I bought other variants and I am still under investigation. I will update step by step and as for now, Happy Price Co. Ltd. (the manufacturer) even states that my soaps are fake. I am not trying to condemn anyone but I just want to state that there are fake tokyo love soaps. Be very careful when you purchase any. But any update I will inform later. I am not stating the exact conclusion yet. Till then.
---------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE 14 MARCH 2014 ----------------------------------------------------------
Disclaimer: I am not doing this post to condemn any party and I did this investigation on the risk of my own money. I am one unsatisfied customer and I do have the right to make my own comparisons. I will not state where did I purchase the soaps to prevent from bias reviews. Honesty lies within so if I state here that I am honest, there are many people will still assume otherwise. Therefore I will provide justifications on my investigation and the conclusions will be determined by users - which is you.
On this update, I will not provide pictures yet and I will do so for the next update. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Hello everyone.
To avoid confusion of terms used, I am doing comparison on Tokyo Love Soap PREMIUM both original and "assumed" fake soaps. I have purchased another soap from a trustable source and I have made comparisons and I must say, both are too significantly different on these aspects:
---------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE 14 MARCH 2014 ----------------------------------------------------------
Disclaimer: I am not doing this post to condemn any party and I did this investigation on the risk of my own money. I am one unsatisfied customer and I do have the right to make my own comparisons. I will not state where did I purchase the soaps to prevent from bias reviews. Honesty lies within so if I state here that I am honest, there are many people will still assume otherwise. Therefore I will provide justifications on my investigation and the conclusions will be determined by users - which is you.
On this update, I will not provide pictures yet and I will do so for the next update. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Hello everyone.
To avoid confusion of terms used, I am doing comparison on Tokyo Love Soap PREMIUM both original and "assumed" fake soaps. I have purchased another soap from a trustable source and I have made comparisons and I must say, both are too significantly different on these aspects:
- Soap size
- Soap color
- Soap texture
- Box color
- Soap plastic wrapper
- Prints on soap
- Effects on skin
- How the batch/lot number printed
- Box quality
- Soap Scent
Aspect 1: Soap Size
The size of the original soap is larger than the size of the "assumed" fake tokyo love soap. What I did was putting the soaps (which is still in the plastic wrap) side by side and the sizes can be detected easily, although with the presence of the plastic wrap. It varies from 1mm to 5mm in diameter.
Aspect 2: Soap Color
I did compare the color of the soap but this justification is not solid as soaps tend to change color in time. What I did was, when I first bought the "assumed" fake tokyo love soap, I took the pictures of the soap without the wrapper and I will compare the color later with the original soap as I don't want to remove the original soap from the wrapper just yet to maintain its scent and color. As for now, I found out that the color of the "assumed" fake soap is slightly yellowish (or deeper tone) but the original soap is lighter in color.
Aspect 3: Soap Texture
As I tried to compare the texture of the soaps with naked eyes, I found out that there is a difference in the texture of the soap. The original soap looks clean and smooth while the "assumed" fake soap looks more "textured" - wrinkly but not obvious. The kind of wrinkle that when you put your palm (with added force) on a cloth for sometime then your palm gets those wrinkles. Its hard to explain. I will try my best to provide picture of it.
Aspect 4: Box Color
I did comparison on the box color and the gold color for the premium box is almost the same. Except for the heart shape (tokyo love logo) where the original one is printed less contrast than the "assumed" fake soap. Aside from that, the upper part of the box - which is pink in color - shows different tones. The original soap has slightly lighter pink tone and the "assumed" fake soap has deeper pink tone, along with less quality print of TL logo.
Aspect 5: Soap Plastic Wrapper
As far as my concern, I did compare the quality of the wrapper of the soaps. The original soap has higher quality wrapper that does not wrinkles easily while the "assumed" fake soap wrinkles easily. Although this justification is not solid as I haven't tear the wrapper for the original soap, I will make further review on this matter once I do so. Aside from that, the wrapper for the "assumed" fake soap is not sealed in a quality manner - which means that the seal is not sealed "with love". Both sides of the seals are not in the same length but the original soap looks so perfectly done.
Aspect 6: Prints on Soap
I tried to take the best picture for both soaps to give better comparison but my "assumed" fake tokyo love soap delivered to me was defective so print on the soap is not that clear but there are differences can be seen too. I compared the remaining prints on the "assumed" fake soap on the original soap and there is a difference in the font used. It is more obvious on the word "S" printed on the soap. Furthermore, The prints on the original soap is more solid and clear to compare with the "assumed" fake ones.
Aspect 7: Effects on Skin
I am currently using the "assumed" fake tokyo love soap premium and have yet to see any effects - not even the micro-peeling people have been raving about. I have been using it for 2 weeks now on all over my body. I did what they asked me to do, wait three minutes and sometimes more just to prove to myself that I don't own fake TLS. Believe me, I tried my best to prove myself wrong but to no success. Once I use this soap for a month, I will then use the original soap for a month to see the effects. Although some might say, "the results will be more significant if I use the original soap on my body after the usage of "assumed" fake soap - just incase the "assumed" fake soap is not fake after all, so the justification will be lower here."
So what I will do is to assure the micro-peeling effect occurs (which some users said it takes 2 weeks for them to micro-peel so to the reason why I will use it for a month) and then I will compare with the original soap if the micro-peel does occur on my tan skin - and for how much time taken before the micro-peel occur. Some user said premium soap gives much more significant whitening effect so I did the first usage hand test on my skin using the "assumed" fake soap and I did not see any difference at all. I did my best to maintain the lighting and position of my hand and camera. I have yet to try the original soap and I will update as soon as I do so.
Okay, so I just finished using both of them. I used the "assumed" fake soap (a quarter because I cut it to four pieces) from 4th March until 24th March (21 days). Additional, I didn't use the soap for 5 days within the period because I usually stop using whitening soap to give space for my skin to heal before and after waxing. I used the original soap (a quarter too) from 24th March until 8th April (16 days) and I didn't stop using during the period. Basically, both soaps last approximately the same period. I used both twice a day on all over my body.
I told you regarding the micro-peeling and no, I didn't get significant peeling too using the original soap. After a week of usage, I found out that my palm is peeling (few spots) and it occurs only for a day. One spot on my body (sensitive area) peeled too but lasts a day too. So I cannot really differentiate whether it does peel or it does not. Or maybe my skin is just too "strong" for it. LOL. Anyways, the weird part is, after I let the original soap stays for 3 minutes on my body and after rinsing it off, I found out that I get few mosquito bites here and there. It is weird that I didn't get that using the "assumed" fake soap. I thought I had an allergic reaction or something but its not. It is really mosquito bites. I've read somewhere that a true vegan soap (which TLS supposed to be a vegan soap) will attract insects. OMG, weird but true. On the whitening effect, I cannot judge better because I tend to forget to take after pictures. I will update this later when I got to see the difference.
I found out too that the original soap lathers better than the "assumed" fake soap. I didn't need extra effort to lather the soap throughout my body and I am kind of happy with it. It does not bubble up like crazy (just a bit) but it glides smoothly on skin. I can't do this using the "assumed" fake soap as it tends to get milky on wet areas but stuck on dry areas of my body.
Okay, so I just finished using both of them. I used the "assumed" fake soap (a quarter because I cut it to four pieces) from 4th March until 24th March (21 days). Additional, I didn't use the soap for 5 days within the period because I usually stop using whitening soap to give space for my skin to heal before and after waxing. I used the original soap (a quarter too) from 24th March until 8th April (16 days) and I didn't stop using during the period. Basically, both soaps last approximately the same period. I used both twice a day on all over my body.
I told you regarding the micro-peeling and no, I didn't get significant peeling too using the original soap. After a week of usage, I found out that my palm is peeling (few spots) and it occurs only for a day. One spot on my body (sensitive area) peeled too but lasts a day too. So I cannot really differentiate whether it does peel or it does not. Or maybe my skin is just too "strong" for it. LOL. Anyways, the weird part is, after I let the original soap stays for 3 minutes on my body and after rinsing it off, I found out that I get few mosquito bites here and there. It is weird that I didn't get that using the "assumed" fake soap. I thought I had an allergic reaction or something but its not. It is really mosquito bites. I've read somewhere that a true vegan soap (which TLS supposed to be a vegan soap) will attract insects. OMG, weird but true. On the whitening effect, I cannot judge better because I tend to forget to take after pictures. I will update this later when I got to see the difference.
I found out too that the original soap lathers better than the "assumed" fake soap. I didn't need extra effort to lather the soap throughout my body and I am kind of happy with it. It does not bubble up like crazy (just a bit) but it glides smoothly on skin. I can't do this using the "assumed" fake soap as it tends to get milky on wet areas but stuck on dry areas of my body.
Aspect 8: How the Batch/Lot Number Printed
The batch number or Happy Price Co. Ltd. called them lot number is printed on the bottom of the box, which in reference to my premium soap is on the pink side of the box (bottom lid) near TL logo. Its not ink print but compressed print on the box. I compared both of the prints and I found out that the original soap has a more lighter print to compare with the "assumed" fake soap. The "assumed" fake soap print it harder and thicker than the original soap.
Aspect 9: Box Quality
Some users said that the box of the original soap is with higher quality to compare with the fake ones that when they step on the box, the box curved but nothing much happen to other parts of the box. I did the stepping on top of the box test and the "assumed" fake soap box failed this test. I haven't put my weight on it, I just calmly rest my feet on the box, just when I want to start to put weight on it and the box wrinkled and curved so badly until the sides of the box almost tear up. I did this test on the "assumed" fake soap of the original version of tokyo love soap (the white box) and I will do this test as soon as I start using the original soap (premium version).
Aspect 10: Soap Scent
At first I didn't expect that the scent gave me any difference until I actually tried them both on the same time. Currently I am using the original soap on my face and the "assumed" fake soap on my body. I found out that the original soap have this slight rose scent but the "assumed" fake soap smells slightly more to unscented soap and less rosy. You cannot differentiate it if you didn't use them both on the same time. I always thought the scent is slightly different but I told myself its not true. When I actually use the original soap for the first time I kept smelling better rosy scent to compare with the "assumed" fake soap.
Aspect 10: Soap Scent
At first I didn't expect that the scent gave me any difference until I actually tried them both on the same time. Currently I am using the original soap on my face and the "assumed" fake soap on my body. I found out that the original soap have this slight rose scent but the "assumed" fake soap smells slightly more to unscented soap and less rosy. You cannot differentiate it if you didn't use them both on the same time. I always thought the scent is slightly different but I told myself its not true. When I actually use the original soap for the first time I kept smelling better rosy scent to compare with the "assumed" fake soap.
Overall, these are my justifications on the the condition of the products. I will add more justifications in future once it is solid. Thanks for reading! I hope this post will alert us on how world nowadays can twist our minds for the purpose of making money. Be careful!
---------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE 10 APRIL 2014 ----------------------------------------------------------
Hello everyone.
Please refer to post above on update 14 March 2014. All updates are in green color.
The only thing I am so frustrated with is that, I tried not to jeopardize the company which sold me the fake soap by personally email them regarding how their products are not effective to me (mostly all products I bought there are not effective) and they did not even took the effort to reply my email. I can say that the company don't usually reply emails but NO, they replied my other hundreds of emails (regarding tracking orders, directions of use etc.) as soon as possible. Out of a sudden they didn't reply the email on my negative feedback. I didn't bash them with harsh words and sort, I just politely ask them to explain and do something about it but they let me down. Not a single email received and now its been two days since I sent them the email. I wanted to expose their website here but I can't do it for now as I am still hoping for the reply.
All I must say is that, don't purchase TLS from companies who sell their own product line. Why?
---------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE 13 APRIL 2014 ----------------------------------------------------------
Hello everyone.
As I promised, I will provide pictures between the original and the "assumed" fake soap. As for reference, Happy Price Co. Ltd. has stated that:
"All authentic Tokyo Love Soap products sold overseas and in Japan are made of the same ingredients and quality. We do not make a different soap for overseas sales. The only difference is in the packaging. Packaging for all Tokyo Love Soap products sold overseas (anywhere except Japan) contain the lady icon."
Refer here.
Therefore, it should be fine if your soap has the lady icon on it. I got the box with the lady icon on the upper right corner of the box. Another information I need to clarify is that my "assumed" fake soap is defective right when I received it. I don't understand how it can be defective with the fact that the soap is covered in bubble wrap. Thus, my possible conclusion is that the soap was still shipped regardless that the soap is defective. Here are the comparisons between both soaps.
Soap Color and Font
Notice that the color of the original soap is slightly whiter rather than the "assumed" fake soap. The "assumed" fake soap looks more brownish in color and gets yellower in time. The first picture is right after the soaps out from the packaging while the second picture, is after approximately a month.
---------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE 10 APRIL 2014 ----------------------------------------------------------
Hello everyone.
Please refer to post above on update 14 March 2014. All updates are in green color.
The only thing I am so frustrated with is that, I tried not to jeopardize the company which sold me the fake soap by personally email them regarding how their products are not effective to me (mostly all products I bought there are not effective) and they did not even took the effort to reply my email. I can say that the company don't usually reply emails but NO, they replied my other hundreds of emails (regarding tracking orders, directions of use etc.) as soon as possible. Out of a sudden they didn't reply the email on my negative feedback. I didn't bash them with harsh words and sort, I just politely ask them to explain and do something about it but they let me down. Not a single email received and now its been two days since I sent them the email. I wanted to expose their website here but I can't do it for now as I am still hoping for the reply.
All I must say is that, don't purchase TLS from companies who sell their own product line. Why?
- Because it means they have their own factory to produce their products which they don't have the trouble to produce their own soaps
- Because they have the resources to pay fictitious reviewers posting good reviews on their website
My suggestion is, if you are serious on purchasing TLS soap, purchase by bulk from Happy Price Co. Ltd themselves. Minimum purchase is only 5000 yen of approximately RM160 (50 USD) if you have your own shop (online, retail shops etc.). It is super easy to purchase from them actually so there's no need for TLS sellers to purchase the soap from other sellers. Get what I mean? I personally asked Happy Price Co. Ltd. if I want to purchase directly from them and they said I can. Though I don't have my own shop to start with. If you think its a hassle to purchase directly from the manufacturer (plus the hassle of waiting for it to be shipped), I suggest purchasing the soaps from authorized sellers.
Before purchasing any from TLS sellers, here are some tips for you:
- Do ask them where do they get the soaps from. If its not from Happy Price Co. Ltd., forget it;
- If they said its from Happy Price Co. Ltd., ask them to provide you with "HP Certificate of Authorized Distributor" or;
- Ask them their store code and check it at:
I hope these random tips help!
---------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE 13 APRIL 2014 ----------------------------------------------------------
Hello everyone.
As I promised, I will provide pictures between the original and the "assumed" fake soap. As for reference, Happy Price Co. Ltd. has stated that:
"All authentic Tokyo Love Soap products sold overseas and in Japan are made of the same ingredients and quality. We do not make a different soap for overseas sales. The only difference is in the packaging. Packaging for all Tokyo Love Soap products sold overseas (anywhere except Japan) contain the lady icon."
Refer here.
Therefore, it should be fine if your soap has the lady icon on it. I got the box with the lady icon on the upper right corner of the box. Another information I need to clarify is that my "assumed" fake soap is defective right when I received it. I don't understand how it can be defective with the fact that the soap is covered in bubble wrap. Thus, my possible conclusion is that the soap was still shipped regardless that the soap is defective. Here are the comparisons between both soaps.
Soap Color and Font
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Original / Fake |
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Original / Fake |
Packaging and Soap Size
If you see closely, the wrapper of the original soap looks smoother and clean while the wrapper for the "assumed" fake soap looks like I actually mashed it up several times. I can say that the defect may affect the look of the wrapper but even on the not affected part is wrinkled badly too. Plus, the wrapper of the "assumed" fake soap is tighter to compare with the original soap. Look at the color too. The wrapper of the "assumed" fake soap is yellowish.
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Original / Fake |
On the other hand, if you compare the size of the soap closely, the original soap is larger in diameter to compare with the "assumed" fake soap. It may not be very obvious on the picture but I did the comparison myself and it is larger for the original soap.
Soap Box
The lady icon is the one you can see on the front box of the original soap box. If you can see, the box for the "assumed" fake soap is larger a bit as compared to the original soap. The gold color of the original box is lighter to compare with the "assumed" fake soap.
Alert on the color of the upper box where the tones are pretty much different with the "assumed" fake soap that is darker than the original soap box.
This is the lower lid of the box. Alert on the prints of the batch number where the "assumed" fake soap has thicker and deeper prints to compare with the original soap.
When I took the picture of the box using flash, I can see an obvious difference on the prints of the TL icon (which is the love icon beside the "love soap" word). The white prints of the "assumed" fake soap icon is rather thick to compare with the original soap. Compare also the gold color of the box with a slight difference in gold tone.
Overall, I will close my investigation with a print screen from my conversation with Happy Price Co. Ltd. when they said that my soap is fake.
I am closing this investigation. I am not concluding or making any statement to point out who's the fake ones. I am here just to remind myself and other users to beware of fake TLS out there and make sure you purchase from true authorized dealer. If you are from Malaysia and you want to know where to purchase it best, please do email me and I will provide you the sites that are certified and recommended by Happy Price Co. Ltd. as their authorized distributors - purchased directly from them.
All risks and rewards have been transferred from me to all users as I am no longer putting my hand on this matter again. I did not make exact conclusion to influence anyone and I leave it all to you to make your own decisions.
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Fake / Original |
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Fake / Original |
The lady icon is the one you can see on the front box of the original soap box. If you can see, the box for the "assumed" fake soap is larger a bit as compared to the original soap. The gold color of the original box is lighter to compare with the "assumed" fake soap.
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Fake / Original |
Alert on the color of the upper box where the tones are pretty much different with the "assumed" fake soap that is darker than the original soap box.
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Upper: Fake / Down: Original |
This is the lower lid of the box. Alert on the prints of the batch number where the "assumed" fake soap has thicker and deeper prints to compare with the original soap.
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Original / Fake |
When I took the picture of the box using flash, I can see an obvious difference on the prints of the TL icon (which is the love icon beside the "love soap" word). The white prints of the "assumed" fake soap icon is rather thick to compare with the original soap. Compare also the gold color of the box with a slight difference in gold tone.
Overall, I will close my investigation with a print screen from my conversation with Happy Price Co. Ltd. when they said that my soap is fake.
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When Happy Price Co. Ltd. state that my soap is fake |
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How they assure its fake |
I am closing this investigation. I am not concluding or making any statement to point out who's the fake ones. I am here just to remind myself and other users to beware of fake TLS out there and make sure you purchase from true authorized dealer. If you are from Malaysia and you want to know where to purchase it best, please do email me and I will provide you the sites that are certified and recommended by Happy Price Co. Ltd. as their authorized distributors - purchased directly from them.
All risks and rewards have been transferred from me to all users as I am no longer putting my hand on this matter again. I did not make exact conclusion to influence anyone and I leave it all to you to make your own decisions.
I am sorry for any inconvenience caused and I hope this random thoughts of mine help!
Don't buy from tokyoloveshop it is fake.
ReplyDeletethanks for your suggestion! to tell you the truth, i found out your opinion is somewhat true indeed. but i cannot judge better as i don't have credible A class evidence. cheers! :D
DeleteI bought TLS products from The TLS Girls print looks fake (printed in very low quality). I became doubtful in using the soaps I purchased. Due to doubtfulness, i emailed Happy Price directly. They said tokyolovesoap sell fake ones. same with buytokyolovesoap...To buyers, if you're in doubt, email HP directly to verify if the sellers are legit. And you may get the store codes from dealers/resellers. Store codes can be viewed here to find if the seller are legit dealers:
ReplyDeleteThanks Polkalav for this detailed info. It was really true! I have the fake soap and authentic. (as Happy Price confirmed to me). Some bloggers mislead readers... but your blog really helped a lot. :)
Dear TLS lover,
DeleteGive me a high five for this! Hehe.Thank you so much for your great response and credible perspective. I'm really looking forward to comments from responsible consumers like you dear. And thank you so much for your time to read my blog. I was doubtful a well but I used it anyway as I spent nearly 300 USD for their products. Though I didn't get any positive outcome, feels like using a normal soap instead. Fake products have become very common these days that consumers tend to just simply overlook it. It's dangerous as I've read that some users get bad reaction by using fake TLS soap - the user got major wounds around her body that causes bad scars as well! Fiuh luckily I didn't get those. Thank you so much for your comment dear! Xoxo
@THITIPUST KAMROSESIRISAKOON and @Polka Lav -- i agree sis. i dont know where to dispose soaps i purchased from them since im really doubtful to use those soaps... but i suggest to buyers, email Happy Price directly to be sure..
ReplyDeleteYes indeed! Disposing those soaps feels very bad as it's not cheap for a soap. I hope you'll find a way to feel less bad and throw it away anyway! It's dangerous. Be careful. Xox
Deletewhich site I can buy the original soap?
ReplyDeleteHi dear! Thank you very much for dropping by. Appreciate it greatly!
DeleteApologies for my delay as I've been really busy with work. If you're in Malaysia, you can purchase tls original soap at! They ship worldwide as well! Hope this helps xoxo
Hi dear! Thank you very much for dropping by. Appreciate it greatly!
DeleteApologies for my delay as I've been really busy with work. If you're in Malaysia, you can purchase tls original soap at! They ship worldwide as well! Hope this helps xoxo
Hi, may i knw where did u purchase the ori one? Can I have the link pls :)
ReplyDeleteHi dear. Apologies for the delay. If you're from Malaysia, you can purchase the soap from hope this helps! xoxo